Friday, October 14, will be Work a Day for World Peace Day, during which people all over the world will dedicate a day's wages or whatever is a comfortable amount to help with the work of the International Temples Project.
Every cent donated goes toward fulfilling the compassionate vision of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche to build a Kadampa Temple in every city of the world - both urban temples and larger, traditional Temples for World Peace.
If you would like to contribute you can do so at any time using the button below.
What is the International Temples Project?
When Venerable Geshe-la opened the first Temple for World Peace at Manjushri Centre in 1997, he expressed the wish to develop a modern Buddhist Temple in every major city of the world. To accomplish this and many other purposes, he founded the International Temples Project (ITP).
The scope and activities of the ITP are constantly evolving in response to the needs of the ever-changing demands of busy lives. It presently achieves its aim through developing and building traditional and non-traditional temples, meditation and retreat centres, and through the activities of World Peace Cafés and Tharpa Publications.
All profits generated through the activities of the International Temples Project are dedicated to public benefit through the continual development of this fund.
Sharing the inspiration
We asked some contributors why they are helping the International Temples Project in this way. Here are a few of their replies.
Thomas, UK
Civil servant
This year I am contributing to WADFWP because I would like to improve my experience of cherishing love. This day will make it easy for me to practice cherishing love because my efforts at work will be devoted entirely to benefiting others.
Kulbir, Scotland
Post Office Manager
I'm donating because i wish for every being to make a connection with Buddha's teachings so they can learn to develop inner peace and help others develop it too.
Jo, autralia
The way this year continues to unfold, it shows more and more that finding a path to peace is truly the only way out of our suffering. And without the work of the ITP, the ability to access the methods for finding real peace and true happiness wouldn't be possible. I'm eternally grateful for the kindness shown by them to have created a centre here in Sydney so we can all benefit.
Susana, spain
I am totally happy to collaborate with the International Temples Project for world peace, because I feel a deep, deep gratitude and admiration for the work of Venerable Gueshla.
Esther & Sandra, Hollywood
Motion Picture Editor
Sandra and I are happy and grateful to contribute to the International Temples Project. May everyone find Dharma!
Diana, argentina
Store worker
I am contributing so that Kadampas Temples continue to appear in this world and all beings have the possibility to know Dharma and free themselves from suffering
kelsang chocin, brasil
Temple Manager
This year I am contributing to WADFWP because more than ever people need peace. We are going through such an unusual time, but with a peaceful and blessed mind we can transform these moments into a beautiful experience of growth and spiritual development - and the method to find inner peace is taught in every Kadampa center around the world. Furthermore, the Temples are places where everyone is welcome and where they can receive powerful blessings to really make this transformation. Donating to this project makes me feel part of this. II can transform one day's work into real benefit for all the world. That's magical!
Laura, UK
I'm working a day for world peace because it's a very special thing to do - glad to have the chance.
Shelley, USA
Kadam Dharma has improved literally everything in my life and I would like everyone to have access to the benefits I have received. I am donating this year because I want to be a part of ensuring that pure Dharma not only exists in this world, but that it flourishes. Building more Temples will provide for generations to come. Thank you Geshe-la!
Dolors, spain
I am happy to collaborate in this beautiful project of spreading Kadam Dharma throughout the world. Just as we will enjoy the Temple that is being built now in Spain, hopefully soon we can all enjoy the same, everywhere.
Peter & Peggy, Hong Kong
Property management & insurance
We are contributing to WADFWP because for each new Temple we build, the more peace there is in the world.
David, spain
Director of Photography
As a Kadampa student my main intention is to benefit all beings. Sometimes this intention is not so good and/or is so present as I would like it to be. Working for a Center is a perfect way to be involved in Gueshe Kelsang Gyatso´s pure intention for world peace.
Pascale, France
Eyewear Consultant
In these times of health crisis, I realize that everything can change very quickly! Maybe we have a Dharma center, close to home with many spiritual activities. And we believe that it will last like that, and flourish even more. And then suddenly a virus - and access becomes more difficult. The number of places in the meditation room is restricted, everything becomes more complicated... So, yes, I want to make this donation to create the causes so that Dharma centers continue to function and remain accessible to all!
Dani, spain
I am contributing so that all people can have a meaningful life. I am very happy to be able to support this project; especially now that a new Temple will appear right here in Spain!
If you would like to contribute online, using a credit card or debit card through our secure gateway, please select a local account in the form below. If there is not yet an account in your country you can pay through any account. Your payment will be processed in the currency of the country you choose. If you wish to setup a recurring donation please this alternative donation form.